The Keeper's Voice

No. The voice of the Keeper was re-recorded by another actor when Mr. Throne was cast to play the part of Mendez.
There is much more to the story: Was the person who rerecorded the voice of the Keeper a man or a woman? Do you know what role Mr. Throne was originally offered for the Star Trek® pilot film, but turned down? (Here's a clue: it was for one of the series' regulars.) Do you know why he turned down such a substantial part and took the much smaller role of providing the voice of The Keeper? Do you know how he was compensated for doing that voice-over work? (Here's a clue: it had to do with something he would sit on, but which could not fit into his wallet.) Do you want to find out about his first impression of the Star Trek sets
on that first day he reported to work? Of the script? Of the uniforms he wore? Of the trim
Malachi Throne job the makeup man gave to his sideburns? Discover Malachi Throne's warmth and wit as he talks in depth about his experiences with Star Trek® in These are the Voyages - TOS, Season One, by Marc Cushman, scheduled for release in July 2013 by Jacobs/Brown Press.
There is much more to the story: Was the person who rerecorded the voice of the Keeper a man or a woman? Do you know what role Mr. Throne was originally offered for the Star Trek® pilot film, but turned down? (Here's a clue: it was for one of the series' regulars.) Do you know why he turned down such a substantial part and took the much smaller role of providing the voice of The Keeper? Do you know how he was compensated for doing that voice-over work? (Here's a clue: it had to do with something he would sit on, but which could not fit into his wallet.) Do you want to find out about his first impression of the Star Trek sets
on that first day he reported to work? Of the script? Of the uniforms he wore? Of the trim
Malachi Throne job the makeup man gave to his sideburns? Discover Malachi Throne's warmth and wit as he talks in depth about his experiences with Star Trek® in These are the Voyages - TOS, Season One, by Marc Cushman, scheduled for release in July 2013 by Jacobs/Brown Press.
Watch for These are the Voyages — TOS, Seasons Two and Three, set for publication by Jacobs/Brown Press later in 2013.