These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s
Volume 2 (1975-1979) & Volume 3 (1978-1980)
By Marc Cushman Edited by Mark Alfred and Susan Osborn Foreword by Walter Koenig
Update: April 29, 2020 -- rThese Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 2,and Volume 3, Marc Cushman’s fifth and sixth volumes in the award-winning These Are the Voyages series, will be published the Summer of 2020.
Advance word from our editing team is that this is an extraordinary work. It is certainly epic – so epic, in fact, that it takes two entire books to cover the range of projects Gene Roddenberry pushed to develop up to and including Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Mr. Cushman’s is now available for early purchase directly from the Jacobs/Brown website. The moment the books are delivered from the printer, these copies will be signed and sent out in the order received.
Foreword by Walter Koenig
Pictured: Walter Koenig and Steven Kates, Jacobs/Brown Director of Operations, signing agreement.
Steven Kates and Trevor Roth seal the deal
It's a deal!
Jacobs/Brown Director of Operation's Steven Kates and's Trevor Roth finalize arrangement allowing author Marc Cushman to utilize materials from the Gene Roddenberry private papers archive for the book, These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s.
This book is a work of journalism, protected under the First Amendment, and is not endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with CBS Studios, Inc., Paramount Pictures, Roddenberry entertainment, Inc., or the Star Trek ® franchise. The Star Trek ® trademarks, logos, and related names are owned by CBS Studios, Inc., Paramount Pictures, and Roddenberry entertainment, Inc., and are used under “fair use” guidelines for journalistic purposes.